Thursday, September 24, 2009

Your agent fees

What are your fees in selling a family home?

From: Jason

Location: Allenby Gardens

1 comment:

Toop&Toop Real Estate said...

Hi Jason

The professional fees vary dependant on price range and method of sale, type of property.

As a guide in your area, 2% plus GST (2.2%) is common and the range is between say 1.8% and 3% plus GST (2 to 3.3% inc). Rule of thumb for marketing costs is 1% of sale price but can be $0 to 2%.

So, 2.2% plus 1% = 3.2% as a benchmark.

The variables are advertising costs and auctioneer fee. The easier/faster the likely sale, generally the more negotiable. The greater the advertising budget the more benefit to the agent and the faster the likely sale, this takes risk out of the process and shows you are serious.

Various agents are at different levels of fees but there is a serious difference in the service and capabilities of various agents and the quality of sales person varies a great deal as well. The more desperate the agency, the cheaper but the less likely your result will be optimised.

Apples for apples we are the best value in Adelaide.