Monday, November 2, 2009

Any Suburb

Could you please give me 3 suburbs to buy & investment property & someone told me Taperoo would be a good place to buy Budget $300-$400k

From: Travis Ward

Location: Fulham Gardens

1 comment:

Toop&Toop Real Estate said...

Hi Travis

Look for suburbs that are going to be affected by some extraordinary event like the light rail to the Port, the redevelopment of the Clipsal site or the development of Cheltenham race course. These big influences will mean surrounding areas will get better services and more attention. Areas like Woodville South/Park, and Croydon are likely to benefit. The West is relatively cheap compared to the east and north and that is also important as affordability close to the city is a big driver of demand.

So, I would say anything close to the new light rail down to the Port is a good bet and then try and get the worst house in the best street, that is buy the most prestige spot/location you can afford rather than the best house. You can do the house up later as you get more money, but you can not move it.

Taperoo, and all those suburbs are looking very promising for the above reasons.

Hope that helps.

